Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tried to Zip into Science Friday

a couple weeks ago, but had a repair man arrive at that time..... so I didn't get to ask my question about the Boulder plutonium spill that has gotten congressional attention but no media attention for the last two months. I wanted to ask the Science Friday folks if they would cover it.

Science Friday is an NPR program that has a presence in Second Life. Get to the Friday 11 am to 1 p.m. location in SL by using this slurl

I did rerezz a bit later, but the broadcast was over. But not all was in vain. I took a pic of this excellent low key speaker and information area.Placed in a semi circle around a single chair and microphone are 7 clickable stones that give information on connecting to video, audio, voice, and website as well as one for getting a tshirt and another for making a donation, and of course one for general welcome information.

Then on 8/8/08 I did manage to arrive for Science Friday while it was still going on but I missed the Olympics bit. But I did hear some good info about girls and achievement and the typed banter as always was tip top as nerds rule at S.F.

After the event there is opportunity for coffee and conversation on the terrace.


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About this blog and Second Ana:

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The Womens Center, Second Life
Ana Herzog, avatar in the virtual world of Second Life, expounds on the semiotics of identity in the metaverse, alternate realities, feminism, artistic expression and the growing use of SL as a a progressive networking tool. Second Ana was born into Second Life on July 8th of 2006. Her island, The Womens Center, will officially open on the Autumnal Equinox. She owns Casita Gaia, an Interior Furnishings Boutique in Barcelona del Oeste. She is the local coordinator for CODEPINK SL. CODEPINK SL is an international chapter of CODEPINK Women for Peace. CODEPINK is also represented by our hut hangout on Commonwealth Island where our neighbors include the ACLU and Green Peace.